Johnny & Lisa
"When you finally find the man you have waited for all of your life, you will know without a doubt because all you care about is giving him all that you are and everything that you have, for the rest of your lives."
I have watched this girl grow up, change, become this incredible human being and today I watched her marry her best friend. I hugged her family and couldn't keep the tears from rolling. I don't know anyone more deserving of perfect love and she found that in her Jonny. I love the way he looks at her. All night just watching him love her with everything he has was breath taking". One day when they have their little babies running around they are going to look back at this day and remember how loved they both are not just by everyone they shared it with but also so much by eachother.
Moments like these are a great reminder that I am so lucky to be able to do what I love for the people I love.